
Words from leadership…

“The most challenging health care problems we face today demand interdisciplinary solutions. Through Stanford Medicine Catalyst, we are creating a bridge that connects innovators across Stanford Medicine to foster collaboration and accelerate solutions that meaningfully impact human health globally.”

Dr. Lloyd Minor
Dean, Stanford School of Medicine

“There are two basic parts to any great innovation: the blueprint and the execution. The Catalyst program considers both of these crucial elements in the market guidance, funding, and resources offered to ensure that promising ideas achieve real-world impact.”

Priya Singh
Chief Strategy Officer, Stanford Medicine

David Enwistle

“Drawing from the transformative potential of our Stanford community, Catalyst redefines what is possible for patients by creating a rapid and reliable pathway for new innovations. Through Catalyst, we can incorporate breakthroughs into standard care faster than ever before.”

David Entwistle
President and CEO, Stanford Health Care

“We’ve only scratched the surface in terms of what’s possible for digital innovation in children’s health. The Catalyst program will play a crucial role in realizing that potential, here at Stanford Medicine and far beyond.”

Paul King
President and CEO, Stanford Children’s Health